The Oklahoma Ambulance Association is working hard for our Oklahoma EMS Providers
The OKAMA Board of Directors spend hundreds of volunteer hours each year assisting our members through legislative efforts, serving on rules committees, and sub-committes, providing great educational opportunities, or networking with other state and national providers to gain insight into EMS issues and concerns.
To read more about some of our accomplishments, click on the links below
CONFERENCES OKAMA sponsors up to two conferences each year. National and local speakers cover a wide range of topics intended to help our Oklahoma EMS improve the service in their communities. To learn more, OKAMA CONFERENCES.docx OKAMA MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND FREE OF CHARGE OKAMA STARS of LIFE CELEBRATION OKAMA celebrates Oklahoma’s Best of the Best with an OKAMA Stars celebration each spring. OKAMA invites all of our Member EMS to select their best, choosing a Paramedic, EMT or any of their support employees that are the front line definition of why we do what we do. Then OKAMA holds a banquet and awards ceremony for the Stars and their guest, usually someone from their families. OKAMA covers costs for the STAR, their guest(s), and their Member Host. Finally, OKAMA selects one of the honored Oklahoma Stars to represent OKAMA at the American Ambulance Association Stars of Life event in Washington, DC. To learn more about OKAMA and STARS of LIFE, click here , OKAMA AND OKAMA STARS ACTIVITY.docx OKAMA and OKLAHOMA MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENTS OKAMA was successful negotiating a Fee Schedule with Medicaid for Oklahoma EMS Providers that doubled what was allowed and is more than EMS in neighboring states are paid. OKAMA has effectively kept Oklahoma EMS protected from cuts when other providers (physicians, hospitals, labs, etc) had their fee schedules cut. To learn more about OKAMA success with Medicaid and OHCA, go to OKAMA HISTORY OF MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT.docx OKLAHOMA EMS REVENUE IMPROVEMENT ACT, 2018 OKAMA was successful passing legislation that created the Oklahoma EMS Revenue Enhancement for over 100 governmental EMS agencies in the State. The Oklahoma Certified Public Expenditure is currently completing the first year of claims. These claims use Federal funds to increase the reimbursement for Medicaid transports in consideration of the EMS’s costs. The first claim period will provide nearly $4 million of additional revenue for participating EMS. Estimates for the years that follow are for over $6 million each year. To learn more, OKAMA AND EMS REVENUE IMPROVEMENT.docx OKLAHOMA INCREASES IN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD REIMBURSEMENTS OKAMA represented all EMS providers and suppliers when we convinced Oklahoma Blue Cross/Blue Shield to increase their reimbursement and fee schedule for patients insured by OK BC/BS. Oklahoma EMS now have the ability to be In-Network and receive higher payments, directly. To learn more information, OKAMA AND BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD.docx
OKAMA was the primary organization to get the funding for what is now the Oklahoma Emergency Response System Stabilization and Improvement Revolving Fund, OERSSIRF. This fund was established to help Oklahoma EMS entities improve the service that they can offer. OKAMA worked to educate and insist that legislators honored recommendations from the Governor’s Task Force for EMS Readiness. This fund provides over $1 million each year, funding from the Oklahoma Tobacco Tax. To learn more information, OKAMA AND OERSIRRIF FUND.docx
OKAMA was the champion and lobbied our legislature for the Oklahoma EMT Death Benefit. This benefit is administered by the State for any line of duty death of a licensed EMT or Paramedic. Although no amount would ever be enough, this benefit can help the fallen Medic’s family in their time of need. To learn more. OKAMA AND THE LINE OF DUTY DEATH BENEFIT.docx OKLAHOMA TURNPIKE AUTHORITY WAVES TOLLS for EMS OKAMA worked to help our Oklahoma EMS to reduce their expenses of paying tolls when they need to use turnpikes. OKAMA worked with the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority to get our EMS the information and process to request and obtain waiving tolls the OTA is required by charter to charge. While not a problem for all services in the state, at least some services significantly reduced what they were spending on tolls. Those funds then become available to spend on personnel or patient care. To learn more, OKAMA AND TURNPIKE TOLLS.docx
"The Eddie Sims Bill" OKAMA and its Members advocated for legislation to protect Good Samaritans which will help protect our Members and off-duty EMTs, Paramedics and other employees. When a Good Samaritan helps a victim of a serious medical or trauma event, and that Good Samaritan experiences a possible exposure to a communicable disease, that person will be able to obtain the information needed to try to prevent the exposure from becoming disease. OKAMA worked to pass the legislation and then worked tirelessly with the Health Department to put the protection in place. To learn more, OKAMA AND THE GOOD SAMARITAN ACT.docx STRETCHER VANS OKAMA has worked for more than 20 years to protect our citizens and our EMS from unwanted effects of the Stretcher Van industry. We have advocated for safety standards to protect the passengers and transport personnel. We have insisted on operational standards to avoid use of a stretcher van when an ambulance is needed. And we protect struggling EMS from the competition for patient transports that the Stretcher Vans will take, never experiencing the responsibility to transport uninsured/underinsured patients or patients unable to pay. To learn more, OKAMA AND STRETCHER VANS.docx |
© 2018 Oklahoma Ambulance Association | | 2504 W. Owen K. Garriott #302, Enid, OK 73703 |